Twenty-first Century
- Protesting the “A” word. Kevin Richard in The Sherbrooke Record.
- Plus ça change: Renewing Discourse in the Age of Aquarius.
William Brooks. – March 13, 2015. - Remembering a Missed opportunity: Father Richard Neuhaus Drew People Together. William Brooks in The Atlantic Catholic – January 31, 2009.
The Nineties
- Quebec has its own divisions. William Brooks in the New Brunswick Telegraph Journal, Wed. January 17, 1996 (Also published in the Montreal Gazette, Monday, January 22, 1996 under the title: Partition answer to irreconcilable differences).
- Was Dewey a Marxist? William Brooks in Discourse published by the St. Lawrence Institute, Montreal, Winter 1994.
- Deconstructing High School Economics. Yarema Kelebay and William Brooks in the McGill Journal of Education, Winter 1991, Vol. 26 No. 1.
The Eighties
- Trade protectionism limits our futures. William Brooks in The Montreal Gazette Tuesday, February 9, 1988.
- Reflections on the “Regime Pedagogique.” William Brooks, Montreal, May 26, 1984 (Delivered to a Community Conference for Parents, sponsored by the Department of Administration and Policy Studies in Education, McGill University, in collaboration with Alliance Quebec – Also published in the News and Chronicle, Montreal, Wednesday, June 13, 1984 under the title: Quebec school plans promote obsolescence).
- New education bill will spin fine web of authority. William Brooks in The Gazette, Montreal, Wednesday, September 14, 1983 (Also published in the West Island News and Chronicle, Montreal, Wednesday, November 16, 1983 under the headline: Bill 40 will not develop new form of democracy).
- Quebec parents about to lose their say in education. William Brooks in The Gazette, Montreal, September 16, 1982.
- Quebec should halt school “nationalization” plan. William Brooks in The Gazette, Montreal, November 11, 1981William Brooks in Discourse published by the St. Lawrence Institute, Montreal, Winter 1994.
- Reagan victory – new American political mood. Yarema Kelebay and William Brooks in the West Island News and Chronicle, Thursday, November 13, 1980.
- Referendum Reflection. Yarema Kelebay and William Brooks in the West Island News and Chronicle, May 29, 1980.
- “The English fact in Quebec” examined. Yarema Kelebay and William Brooks in the News and Chronicle, Montreal, Thursday, April 24, 1980.
- Serious thinking needed on real conflict in Quebec. Yarema Kelebay and William Brooks in the News and Chronicle, Montreal, Thursday, March 13, 1980. Also published in the Ottawa Citizen, March 26, 1980 under the headliine: Canada’s a nation divided by ideology, not culture and in Le Monde, Paris, Vendredie, 16 mai, 1980 under the headline: Avant Le Referendum au Quebec: – Conflit de people ou d’ideologies.
The Seventies